1. If you are sure you created an account but cannot find the activation email then submit a tech support ticket describing your issue and a tech support person will work with you to get your account setup.  Go directly to support.ehwachs.com to get to the main tech support page.

2. Once you are on the support.ehwachs.com website you can submit a ticket by clicking on the "New Support Ticket" link

3. After you open up a new ticket a blank form will pop-up.  Fill in all of the fields, in the subject be sure to state that you need to activate your account.

4. After you submit your ticket you will get an email from [email protected], check your junk email if you do not see it in your inbox.  The subject line will read: "Ticket Received".  The body of the email will look like the image below:

5. If this is your first time submitting a ticket, indicating that you did not have an account setup, then you will also receive an email asking you to activate your account.  The activation email will look like the image below:

6. If you click the link to activate your account a page will pop-up asking you to type in your name and to create a password.  After you fill in the information and click "Activate and Login" you will be taken to your portal on the support.ehwachs.com  website where you can view all of your old and open tickets.  

7. After you activate your account you can go to support.ehwachs.com and login at any time.

8.  After you click "LOGIN" you can type in your email address and password to login to your account.

9. Once you login you can check the status on any tickets associated with your account.

10.  While checking the status of tickets you can view tickets, search for tickets, open tickets and reply to the tech support team.  The screen below shows you what will pop-up if you click on the "Check Ticket Status" link.

11.  If you click on any of your tickets you can view, edit, and add to your ticket as shown in the image below.